our pro team on textured hair

With over 20 years' experience, Subrina Kidd gives her expert advice on how to maximise the beauty of textured hair and how you can embrace your natural curl pattern. Whether your hair is dense and tightly coiled or you have tight curls that are fine and soft, choose the video relevant to you to achieve beautiful results with Aveda.


watch: dense & tightly coiled, textured hair


Subrina, our expert in textured hair, shares her clever tips and the best Aveda products for dense & tightly coiled, textured hair. With clients often asking for their hair to feel softer, more manageable and less dull, hydration is key for dense & tightly coiled, textured hair. Recommendations include nutriplenish™ deep moisture for a weekly wash; a fornightly dry remedy™ moisturizing masque to seal in moisture; and nutriplenish™ leave-in conditioner for a daily wash 'n' go feel. 


  • 250ml £27.20

  • 1 litre £92.80

  • 50ml £15.00

  • 250ml £24.00

  • 50ml £15.00

  • 1 litre £81.60

watch: fine & soft tight curls


If your hair resembles a spring when wet and the strands feel soft and fine, this video from Subrina (our textured hair expert) was made for you. From the way nutriplenish™ light moisture hydrates hair without weighing it down to answering questions on volume and co-washing, watch now to acheive results you'll love.